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导读医脉双语群是一个神奇的大家庭,聚集了众多爱英语的神内医生。每日大家会在群里分享一篇英文资讯/病例+每日词汇+医脉双语之懂你一句+最后分享一首英文歌。大家可以开心的翻译、交流、学习,每个人都有其独特的翻译风格,每个人都在积极的参与着。今后的日子我们将不忘初心、砥砺前行。医脉双语之懂你一句先来一个心灵鸡汤:If you obey all the rules, you’ll miss all the fun.看看大家的翻译☟☟☟:➤ 循规蹈矩 了无生趣➤ 墨守陈规 难慰吾心➤ 一板一眼乏趣➤ 如果你一直遵守条条框框,就失去了很多乐趣——译者:哈医大神内陈星、张洪、晓昀等双语资讯[1] Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): A randomised, open-label trial➤ 脑出血所致卒中后抗血小板治疗的影响:一项随机、开放试验➤ 抗血小板治疗在出血性脑卒中中的疗效观察(RESTART):随机开放性试验[2] Through REstart or STop Antithrombotics Randomised Trial (RESTART, a prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded endpoint, parallel-group trial) at 122 hospitals in the UK on 537 individuals, researchers intended to measure the relative and absolute impacts of antiplatelet therapy on recurrent intracerebral hemorrhage and to assess if this risk could surpass any decrease of occlusive vascular events.➤ 通过在英国122家医院对537名患者进行的重新开始或停止抗血小板物随机试验(RESTART,一项前瞻性、随机、开放标签、盲终点、平行组试验),研究人员计划评价抗血小板治疗对脑出血复发的相对和绝对影响。评估这种风险是否可以超过减少闭塞性血管事件的获益。[3] Two hundred and sixty-eight participants were randomized to begin and 269 to not begin antiplatelet therapy. Intracerebral hemorrhage recurrence was observed in 12 out of 268 participants allotted to antiplatelet therapy vs 23 of 268 participants designated to not begin antiplatelet therapy.➤ 268名参与者随机分配至抗血小板治疗组,而269名未接受抗血小板治疗。抗血小板治疗组有12/268名参与者发生脑出血复发,而未接受抗血小板治疗组为23/268。➤ 268名参与者启动抗血小板治疗,269名不启动血小板治疗。在268名接受抗血小板治疗的受试者中,12名患者出现了脑出血复发,而268名未开始抗血小板治疗的参与者中有23名患者出现了脑出血复发。[4] Eight patients who took antiplatelet therapy experienced major hemorrhagic events vs 25 members allotted to not take antiplatelet therapy; 39 individuals categorized to take antiplatelet therapy experienced major occlusive vascular events vs 38 allocated to not take antiplatelet therapy.➤ 8名服用抗血小板治疗的患者发生了重大出血事件,未服用抗血小板治疗的发生了25例。抗血小板治疗的患者39例发生了大血管闭塞事件,未服用抗血小板治疗的患者38例发生了大血管闭塞。[5] For the prevention of occlusive vascular disease after developing intracerebral hemorrhage, a very moderate elevation in the risk of recurrent intracerebral hemorrhage with antiplatelet therapy for patients on antithrombotic therapy was observed.➤ 脑出血后应用抗血小板治疗预防闭塞性血管疾病的发生,患者再发脑出血的风险略微升高。➤ 对于脑出血后闭塞性血管疾病的预防,抗血小板治疗仅稍增加复发性脑出血的风险。信源:Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): A randomised, open-label trial. MDLinx. July 02, 2019.——译者:笑语贵遵、黎等每日词汇意识障碍相关描述,根据意识障碍程度划分:❖ somnolence:嗜睡❖ stupor:昏睡❖ coma:昏迷每日音乐今天推荐一首A神的电音《Waiting for love》。给大家普及一下DJ A神:2015格莱美最佳乡村歌手,18年4月20下午于阿曼去世,年仅28岁。部分歌词☟☟☟Where there's a will, there's a way, kind a beautiful有志者事竟成,多么美好的事啊And every night has its day, so magical黑夜过去就是黎明,这里充满神奇And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle如果生活充满爱,世界将不再有阻碍That can't be defeated爱可以战胜一切For every tyrant a tear for the vulnerable每一个残暴的君主都能懂得怜悯错过了群里的现场讨论,千万不要错过小编的笔记哦~





